Saturday, November 14, 2009

Worst Snowboard Fall EVER. Interview with Brett Butcher.

This is not for the weak to watch ,
Every time I see it I cringe.

The Snowboard Realms interviews Brett Butcher.

SnowboardRealms- What happend ?

Brett Butcher – It was day two of Snowboarder’s Super Park and after hitting the 90 footer all morning, the attention turned to the massive hip. About 20 of us where feeling it out and warming up. There was a weird rut in the far right takeoff, so a few guys started to hit the takeoff more too the middle. I believe it was the fourth or fifth time I had dropped. I remember getting a little swirly in the bottom of the transition and got pushed right

SBR- When you were in the air what were you thinking?

BB- The second I left the lip I knew I was done for. There was a shadow line at the bottom of the transition and I was already out of the shade and over the sun as I was peeking. I could also hear the gasps of everyone watching. I new it wasn’t going to be good. The only thing going through my mind was to stay loose and land feet first. The fall didn’t knock me out so I remember it all very vividly. Watching the video, it looks like I’m falling forever. When it happened it seemed to have gone by quicker.

SBR- What were your injuries from the crash ?

BB-My injuries from the fall where a compressed L1 vertebrae and a blown out sternum. My back broke on impact. Once I hit, my body went numb. Everything hurt. *Friends where by my side instantly helping me out and Ski patrol was close too fallow. They advised me to get a ride down in the toboggan and take an ambulance to the hospital. I had never been on a toboggan ride nor have I been in an ambulance and I was determined to avoid it. Ski Patrol was very reluctant to let a friend take me to the hospital but after some discussion they agreed and told me I had to sign a waver to release me from their care. By this time I had been laying in the snow for a good 10 minutes and everything was sore. Felt like I got hit by a truck. This is when things took a turn for the worst. There was a ton of pressure in my chest from the fall and as I sat up, the pressure released blowing out my sternum. I instantly started to freak out thinking I was dying. My chest was gurgling and I was having trouble breathing. Ski Patrol jumped into action and raced me down to the ambulance.

*( myself and another dude were the first on the scene , I’m in the purple hoodie with the shaved head. I remember we started running towards him before he had even hit the ground. This was one of the scariest moments of my life. I thought for sure he was going to be broken in half. When i got up to him he was gasping for air and we just tried to keep Brett calm. I was really scared for him. )

SBR- Are there any lasting injuries from this crash ?

BB- It has been 18 months since the fall and my back and sternum still get sore from time to time if I don’t stretch. I have a bulge on my chest from where my sternum blew out and that will be with me forever. I swear I am shorter because of the fall!

SBR- When you think back to the fall, how does it make you feel ?

BB- When I look back at the fall, I feel very fortunate. I wasn’t really feeling the hip but decided to hit it again. I usually am good about listening to the little voice in my head. But that’s life, you live with the choices you make. Looking at the footage, I fully believe it’s a miracle that I am walking, let alone alive. Landing any other way would have been devastating. It hasn’t changed the way I snowboard but it has made me think a bit more about what I am hitting and how I am feeling that particular day on my snowboard.

check out Brett , were happy he’s alive too.


EW Speaks With the Stars of New Moon



NEW YORK – In the Twilight sequel New Moon, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are at each other’s throats over Kristen Stewart. Off screen, all three are loyal friends. In a candid interview with this week’s Entertainment Weekly, they share thoughts on rumors, fans, moviemaking – and hair.

Below is a portion of the Q&A:

EW: How are you all coping with living in a fishbowl?
Robert Pattinson: It really depends on the mood. When I met you last year [before Twilight came out], I was doing interviews very sporadically and I never got recognized. Now it’s like anywhere I go there’s immediate recognition. So there’s more of a responsibility…
Stewart: I don’t mind working every day. It’s just, suddenly, I have this other role. And that’s really disappointing. All I’d like to do is go outside with a book and figure out what to do with the day. And if I can’t do that, then I’m just going to sit in my hotel room on my balcony and chain smoke. [Pauses] I’m going to stop smoking. I’m not such a good smoker, anyway. It’s not in my bones. I’m gonna drop it.
Pattinson: The three of us have been working for two years [straight]. It does feel like your day has a shape just as soon as you wake up. I just forget what it’s like when you’re free.
EW: Taylor, you’re the only one who almost lost a shot at the sequels. Do you have a different relationship with fame because you had to fight for your job?
Lautner: No, I kept my eye on the prize 100 percent of the time. I was motivated. I wasn’t even thinking about anything else.
Stewart: Thank God you got the job. I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with you if you didn’t. After all those months of working out!
Lautner: I just wanted to focus on what I could control, and I worked really hard.
EW: You mean in the gym? Because I see your abs everywhere these days.
Lautner: Yeah, the gym was a major part, but I really studied the books and the character, too. And it all turned out good.

Pattinson on his hair in Eclipse: I swear to you I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s every single day. In Twilight, they wanted me to have extensions down to my hips.
Stewart: He’s a liar. He doesn’t remember. He’s remembering how they made him feel, but they were just, like, down to here [pointing to her shoulders].
Pattinson: So I told them, “Look, that’s just not going to happen.” I said, “It looks like this already – I’ll come to set like this.” I sound so stupid, but in a lot of ways the hair is 75 percent of my performance, so in the second one I said, “Listen, I need to tone down the hair. Let’s make it a little more real, a little bit more…Method.” [Laughs] And then in the third one, I’m doing fight scenes and there’s a strand going down my forehead and they’re like, “We need to do it again because no one will recognize you! No one will know who it is!” I’m like, really, is my face that generic?
Stewart: They want proof that you’re doing your own stunts, man!
Pattinson: I have to look like the poster at all times. Just in case they want to use any clip for the trailer. Any clip at all! There were about five people in different departments who, because of my forelock, ended up in tears.

EW: Kristen, it must be nice to watch the guys’ appearances get obsessed over for a change.
Stewart: Seriously, it’s a trip to sit back and look at the sexual objectification of these dudes. I’ve never been asked to do any of this stuff.

EW: You guys are lucky. You clearly all dig each other.
Lautner: The amount of time we have to spend with each other – if I didn’t like these two, it would be exhausting.

EW: Rob, you made Remember Me this summer, between sequels. Was that the set in New York, where you were knocked into a cab by hordes of fans?
Pattinson: That was completely made up. I was walking across the street, and there was one cab going about one mile an hour and it nudged my leg. The story ended up being how I got hit by a cab because of a mob of screaming fans, [but] it was 4 o’clock in the morning and there was one person there – a paparazzi….And then there was another time – apparently they said on the news that I had a drug overdose. The security guy saw it on TV, and I wasn’t in my room, and he was like, “Uh-oh!” It’s just so weird. I wake up and my room is too messy to order room service, and so I end up eating a pack of M&M’s for breakfast – and it takes me about five hours to find it. That’s my first five hours of the day. [Laughing] And then you see the news and think, “Who cares if he had a drug overdose? It would probably make him more interesting!”

EW: Kristen and Rob, why do you think people are so obsessed with the state of your offscreen relationship?
Pattinson: Good question. That’s a little thing I have to think about every day.
Stewart: Maybe it’s just my personality, but I’m never going to answer it. I probably would’ve answered it if people hadn’t made such a big deal about it. But I’m not going to give the fiending an answer. I know that people are really funny about “Well, you chose to be an actor, why don’t you just f—ing give your whole life away? Can I have your firstborn child?”
EW: You don’t think just saying, for example, “Listen, we dated for a few months, it was weird, we’re better off as friends” would end the speculation?
Pattinson: No way.
Stewart: People are deeply judgmental and I’m not strong enough. I would love to be like, “I don’t care what anybody thinks.” But I’m a very private person. And think about every hypothetical answer: “Okay, we are. We aren’t. I’m a lesbian.” I’ve thought about this a lot. There’s no answer that’s not going to tip you one way or the other. I’m just trying to keep something. If people started asking me if I was dating Taylor, I’d be like, “F— off.” I would answer the exact same way.”
