Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Parallels Between Anti-Climate Agenda and the Tobacco Industries Pro-Smoking Campaign

Treehugger.com recently drew attention to an interview with Steven Chu, Obama’s Secretary of Energy, published in the San Jose Mercury News, which draws interesting parallels between the anti-climate change lobby and the efforts by the tobacco industry to discredit the science behind the health issues surrounding smoking.

[Via http://benjaminaddy.com]


We are very excited to announce our newest interview with Eriberto Oriol. . Eriberto was kind enough to let us be the very first to release the pictures he took of Blink-182’s set of their music video “Down” were Eriberto shot his son Estevan Oriol directing the video. Please take some time to read the interview here to learn more about Eriberto, his career, history, and lifestyle. Get educated!

[Via http://xwhereeaglesdarex.wordpress.com]