Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Irish Apprentice - Don't try this at home

I was watching the penultimate round of the Irish Apprentice last night – the one where the candidates are interviewed by a panel of experts based on information from psychometric tools, CV’s etc to assess the participants. On the TV show excerpts from the interview process were shown which were quite frankly a shocking role model of interviewer behavior. Interviewers did not listen to responses to the questions they asked, they badgered candidates in a cross examination technique better reserved for court room drama movies, they probed inappropriately (bordering on the illegal) into the private lives of candidates and put their own words on what the candidate said. For example, one candidate said he was among the most talented young people in Ireland at the age of 25. The interviewer rephrased this as ‘the most talented’ young person in Ireland. Subtle but important difference overlooked ! At another point one of the candidates was questioned about moving from home to get the job as the apprentice and the impact this would have on his family. Possible grounds for unfair treatment based on marital status vis-a-vis other candidates. The opening comment from one interviewer to a candidate was on her shoes, where she got them and how much he admired them etc. The list goes on. Many business owners and line managers watching this show may take this as a role model for how to conduct selection interviews especially where they do not have HR professionals advising them otherwise. This quasi macho, egotistical style of interview went out in the dark ages. It has to be remembered this is a TV show and what makes for good ratings could land you in labour relations courts pretty damn quick if you try it in real life. My advice on the techniques shown – don’t try this at home !

[Via http://jmacaree.wordpress.com]