I don’t want anyone to ever judge my relationship or be like “Aha, they broke up” next week. I don’t need those words put into the universe, so I just keep all that stuff private. And it keeps our relationship sane… even though he was on Daddy’s Girls this season. We’ve known each other for like four years. I met him in NY, two weeks before I moved to LA. It started out as just friends because I was actually on a date. (Laughs) And then I was just like, Hey, he gets me. We’re both kids of… we understand each other. The weird points when I just want to be by myself, he understands and he wants to be by himself because we both know what it’s like being in families in the public eye.

Ok, the whole virginity thing came out because of the breakup I had previously. And on the show, of course, it came up that I was saving myself for marriage. Is it weird that people know that now? Yeah, kind of. Do I care that much? Not really, because it’s not like it’s a bad thing. No, it’s not for everybody. Everybody doesn’t have to wait because that’s not what they feel their destiny is. But this is what I have to do in order to get a relationship where it’s all good. I just think that when the sex factor is taken out of the relationship, you really get to know a person.
When we first came out I remember they said the meanest things: “Oh, what do they know about sneakers?” We kept working, getting better and learning more. Two years later, the list of things that Pastry is about to foray into is freakin’ mind-blowing. We’re reinventing it.
ANGELA:We’re re-launching. We had a little clothing out there and now we’re in the middle of remixing and changing it all up. And we have some really cool shoes coming out.

I just took out all my extensions and [certain sites] are like, “Oh, we don’t believe it” but it’s all my hair.
ANGELA:At the end of the day, we got hair under these weaves.

This is like a pageant question. I used to do pageants. (laughs) I haven’t competed in years.
You seem to be really stepping into the industry, building yourself as a brand… VANESSA:I am extremely ambitious. I don’t think people realize that there are so many things I want to accomplish. I am a loyal person. Unfortunately, being out here in LA — I’ve had my sets of friends and some of those friends are not my friends anymore. Being out here has definitely taught me about myself and I’m as real as they come. Even if it hurts somebody’s feelings, I’m going to tell them the truth. I think that’s what creates strong relationships.
ANGELA:It’s three! You only said two.
VANESSA: It was just so long, it felt like three.
That’s cause you’re giving the explanation after ‘em!
VANESSA:So, I said loyal, ambitious and… I’m friendly. A lot of people have this perception of me that I look like I can be snotty and stuck-up. It’s something that has followed me since college. I think because of who my family is — and I’m very privileged, very blessed – so people are always like, “Well she thinks she’s all that”.
ANGELA:You make me think of Barney, with your “friendly”.
VANESSA:Like Barneys the store or Barney?
ANGELA:Barney, the dinosaur.
VANESSA:Whatever, Angela, you got some pretty stupid answers, too. I’m sure I can mock one of ‘em. I am like Barney because I’m very friendly and very nice and I have a huge heart.
ANGELA:Let’s see, what am I? I’m fun – I like to have fun. That includes my job because if I’m not doing anything fun then why am I doing it? Hardworking. Anything that I do, I definitely give 100 percent. Even with school. I went to college for four semesters and had to stop because we had Pastry. When I was at F.I.T. it was impossible to juggle college and my career. But you go to college to get your career so I was like I might as well just stop. And my third one
You should turn “fun” into “funny.”
ANGELA:No, I’m not funny.
VANESSA:But you are. Everybody thinks you’re hilarious.
ANGELA:People are always like, “Yeah do stand-up.” and I’m like, “No, I’m gonna go on stage and look dumb.”

Photography by Cameron Krone
Hair and Make up by Tre’ Major for Opus Beauty
Styling by Charles Wade Read the rest of the interview HERE !
[Via http://butterflyprod.wordpress.com]